Maskne solutions

F*#! Maskne...The DIY Maskne Treatment To Quash it

After 20 years in the skin biz, there’s not a lot we haven’t seen...until now.

Well...sort of.  Let us explain.

Never before have we had so many people ask us about Maskne.  Yes, Mask Acne.  Many of you are getting red bumps, pustules and zits on the cheeks and jaw where your masks are worn.

That’s because we have never had so many people wearing masks so frequently.  The breathing, the sweating and the rubbing are causing a new kind of acne breakout.  

This isn’t to say we haven’t seen cases of acne from pressure or fabrics on the face.  Yes, this type of acne has been around for ages - it’s more that it has never been this pervasive...and it’s not something we can change for the foreseeable.

And, with the onset of isolation, it’s harder to treat without our usual access to facials and professional treatments.

But that doesn’t mean we don’t have answers.  In fact, we are always up for a beauty challenge.


One dilemma that isn’t new, is the debate over whether to pick or not to pick a spot on our skin.  While it’s frustrating to see juicy pimples on our faces, the biggest risk when doing so is damage and bruising. 

Too often we see this struggle in real life as clients come to us with scars and scabs from picking. 

So what do you do?  Just wait it out?  Even when you have a real shiner on your skin?  

Nuh-uh. We are gonna tell you about the little secret that is perfect for what you’re going through.  It’s so simple and easy-to-do on your own, you’ll be kicking yourself that you haven’t been doing it already!

We are talking about warm steam.

Yes, facial steaming is an excellent way to unclog your pores without picking at them. Doing this, we perspire out skin buildup and detox our skin from its deeper layers.

And even for those of you who don't have blemishes, steaming helps infuse moisture, mobilize circulation and blood flow, sweat out skin impurities and prevent blackheads. 

Even the colour and tone of our skin improves from this simple at-home treatment. 

How to steam your skin properly:

Like any DIY beauty treatment, you need to do this with CARE.  Our faces are delicate and precious so any time you put hot hot heat near it, you need to be doing so carefully.

Here is how:

  1. Bring a medium-sized pot of water to a boil. 
  2. Take it off the hot plate. This seems like a given but you’d be surprised!
  3. Hover your face at least 6 inches away from the steam.  If you’re feeling too hot or a burning sensation, back away even more.  Do this with a towel over your head to entrap the steam.  This similar to a nasal steam for stuffy noses.
  4. Relax here for 5-10 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, 5 mins is more than enough.

You can add loose herbs, tea bags (herbal tea) or essential oils to the water for a more therapeutic effect. 

  • Sage and rosemary are good for purifying the skin
  • Chamomile and rose petals are best for soothing
  • Lavender tea is an easy-to-source skin balancer. 

It’s good to add these cuz our skin absorbs more deeply when our pores are soft and open. 

Initially, when breaking out, I recommend doing this every night for one week to see results of a smoother, less angry complexion. 


After this, you can decrease to twice per week until your skin re-balances - or for those with rosacea or broken capillaries, only start with twice per week and hover even further away from the hot pot (8 inches away or so). 


After facial steaming, it is important to follow up with a nourishing moisturizer or hydrating mask to prevent dehydration. You’ve likely sweated out some water and should replenish.  

You can make it a full evening of skin pampering by exfoliating before the steam and applying a mask afterward for a mini-facial experience. 

With facial steaming, you will avoid scars and find that you don't need to teach your skin tough love.  TLC will have your complexion clear, clean and positively glowing.

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